Wednesday, May 4, 2011

~untk diriku~

kebosanan melanda diriku...
hri2 ko bsan kn wawa...haha...x sbar2 nk keje...
nk lupa ap yg t'jdi...klau busy cnfrm x ingt p'kara2 yg sdih...
rse nk lari je dri tmpt nie...
rse nk lari je dri smua org...
pgi ke tmpt yg org yg x kne...

yes, i made my decision...
i want to go to somewhere yg org x knal ak pn sapa...
sapa diri ak, dri mane asal ak...(bunyi mcm mrajuk dh jek)...
agak la...ak skit dibuat begini...
ak xtau ak bleh hdup sndri ke x...

ak kene cube...brani kn diri untk truskn khdpn ak tnpa org2 yg ak syg...
ap gne nye kte syg org tu klau mreke x m'hrgai dri kite seada nye kn...
YES!!! ak m'buat kptsn yg pyah dlm hdup ak...
ak tau 1 hri nnti, bnde mcm nie pn akan jdi jgak pd diri ak...

keadaan skrg sgt x sesuai untk m'hadapinye...dgn final paper n psm ak lgi...
ak kusut dgn smua yg b'laku...rse nk lari jauh dri smua org...frust beno ek ko nie wawa...
hahaha...i have to move on...

ye, smuanye slah ak...ak nie x slah silap...byk yg buruk dlm diri ak nie...
ak tebalkn jek muka nie...hohoho...wlaupn, betapa ak malu dgn ap yg t'jdi...ak sdar smua nye slah ak...haish wawa nie...cube la control skit diri ko tuh...m'hrap sgt pd org...hohoho...

ok2, pas nie ak diam jela ek...ak nk lari dri dunia nie...aik, nk pegi dunia mane plak kn...
hahahaha...mcm ko ad duit je kn...hihi...duit pn x de...hihihi...
ok2, jom kte start searching tmpt2 yg leh di tuju...
let's move on...go...go...wawa...

start dri hri nie...jdi diri ko yg sbnr...dlu, ko x mcm nie pn, wawa...
mengada2 ek ko nie, wawa...hohoho...haish, nape la ak mcm nie...
yg lpas xde pn mcm nie...rilek2 jek ak nie...xde pn nk gelabah2 mcm nie...
wawa...wawa...bgn la...jgn t'lalu ikut kte syaiton itu....
eh, btul ke ap yg ak wat nie????

erm, wawa jdi la diri ko yg sbnrnye...dlu ko x mcm nie pn...
nape ek dgn ko nie...tumbuk kang bru tau....hehe...
ok2...i try, ok...

let's go dream...from now on, i will become myself...yes...
my true self...


I met you after experiencing some heartbreaks...
So, maybe that’s why I was scared to love you...
However, getting to know and to love someone...
How great would it be if you were with me forever...

I wonder...
Do you also feel the same when you hear my voice
After a busy day?
Do you also feel like we are together?

Every night, when I return home and if you are there...
All stress and pain from a long hard day...
I would feel at peace in your arms...
Love me just like this...
As long as your love stays the same...

You are the only person that I would give my all to...
With you, I will never waver...
Although you may feel worried when you think about the future...
Don’t forget....I love you...

If I were to be with you forever, I would be happy...
I’ve throw away what would tells me that I should love me...
My heart is the same place as yours...
I want to be another part of you...
For you, who are my precious...

Love me just like this forever...
As long as you stay by my side...
You are the only person that I would give my all to...
With you... I will never waver...
Although you feel worried when you think about the future...
You are not alone anymore...

Don’t forget...
If I were to be with you forever...
I would be happy...

p/s: hayati ye bait2 ayat diatas...amat b'mkne bgiku...


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